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Friday, 7 March 2014

I love running {when I'm done}

Running is hard.  But strangely addictive and even (dare I say it) quite fun once you get past the pain barrier.  The problem with running is that for it to remain fun you need to keep at it and every time you have a substantial break you have to start again, maybe not from scratch, but unfortunately (as with many things) you can’t expect to pick up from where you left off 6 months/a year ago. 

I’ve had an on-off relationship with running over the years.  And I always regret stopping once I remember how hard re-starting is!  But after a few ‘I hate it, I hate it’ weeks which end with me collapsing on my living room floor, my body finally remembers that actually, this is ok – hard – but ok and I start thinking about my shopping list, noticing how lovely the view is, planning ways of getting out of the canal in case I trip and fall in….. 

Old faithfuls
The key to success, as with exercise in general, is to build up steadily and this can be particularly hard when you’ve been fit in the past or are returning from injury etc but it is sooooo important.  Otherwise you will inevitably end up injured, disillusioned and generally unhappy.  And the day you get home from your usual route having managed not to stop for breath and thinking ‘that wasn’t so bad’ all the ‘bitch runs’ (as I lovingly refer to them) have suddenly been worth it.  Then you have the opportunity, and ability, to carry on, go that bit further or faster or maybe even the confidence to sign up for a race!  (Race for Life for you girlies, as well as being for a good cause, is a great introduction race!)

Every January for the last few years I've said to myself "this year I'm going to run a half marathon", yet alas no half marathon has happened.  A couple of years ago I ran the RatRace Trailblazer 10k in the beautiful Forest of Dean and ever since then I've had my eye on the Forest of Dean half marathon.  But I haven't yet managed to pluck up the motivation or the courage to actually put in the training, sign up and give it a go.

Forest of Dean Trailblazer 10k

Well this year I turned 30 and would love to achieve this goal.  First things first, I need to rediscover my running mojo.  I've not ran a race since last June and although I regularly play netball I haven’t ran regularly over the last year.  

So where to start?  As I mentioned before, slowly but surely, that’s where. Annoying at it is I need to be patient and remember that fitness does not return overnight.  And also that the first few runs are going to be the worst (my ‘bitch runs’) and it's best to just get on with it and them out the way.

So a couple of weeks ago I dusted off my runnng trainers and started slogging (gently) round the estate to get going and attempt rediscover my joy of running.  As I thought, the first few outings were the worst.  But they’re done, hurrah!  I pushed myself a bit further (5km) last weekend and when I went for my usual 20 min (~3km) route tonight it definitely started to feel better.  Result.

So what next?  Running for fun is great but having a goal is the best motivation.  So with this in mind, and sticking with my slowly but surely moto, I'm going to start taking part in my local Parkrun event - weekly, free, 5km timed runs that take place all around the world. 

Post race glee!
Then I'm going to sign up for this year's Trailblazer 10k in the spring before, dun dun duuuuun.... registering for the Autumn Forest of Dean half marathon.  Eeek!  I may even try out my local running club, but lets not run before we can walk, as it were...

Wish me luck and get those trainers out!

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Take a peek at my training plans: 

10k Training Plan {beginner - intermediate}

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