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Monday, 17 March 2014

10k Training Plan {beginner - intermediate}

Here's my adaptation of a Runner's World 10k training plan I first used back in 2011.  This was the first training plan I had  followed and I was determined to see it through!  I signed up for my race and started planning.  Although some days were pretty tough over all I found the plan really enjoyable and, importantly, achievable.

It showed me that I could push myself to run further but also the importance of not over doing it by having regular rest days and integrating cross-training into my schedule.  The plan is time rather than distance based which I think is a lot easier when you're starting out and flexible enough to fit into your week.  The general rule is 5 days on, 2 off every week but plan ahead and work it round you're diary.  Some weeks I've taken 3 rest days if I know I'm away or already have plans.  Last time I followed this training plan I got great results, but I stuck to it meticulously and didn't skip sessions (or importantly rest days!).


Rest:  Some people see rest days as 'non-running' days when cross-training or low impact exercise can be carried out. For me rest days are 'complete' rest days.  Gentle exercise such as yoga or pilates, walking or at a push swimming would be ok but generally I let my body fully recover on rest days.

Cross-training:  This is what I would refer to as 'non-running' days.  In my case I would fit these around netball sessions but also incorporate be cycling, swimming, a gym session, boot-camp type exercises.  Anything that gives you a work out without too much consistent heavy impact on your legs is a good rule of thumb.

Run/Easy run/Recovery run:  I'm more of a tortoise than a hare and run at a pretty consistent pace.  If my 'normal' pace is 50% I would class a run as 60%, easy run as 50% and recovery run as 40%.

Threshold run:  A threshold run is essentially a higher temp run, not sprinting but a definite pick up in pace.  So for me this would be 70-80%.

Long run:  My advice for your long runs is to keep them steady.  Nothing will discourage you more than getting half way into your 60min run and running out of steam.  I use long runs as a test of endurance so will scale back the pace to 40-50% to ensure I can keep going with limited (or no) breaks.

Tapering:  Another thing this training plan taught me was the importance of tapering before a race.  After 9 pretty intense weeks of training it will seem really strange having a very light week leading up to your big day, but it is so necessary.  Not only will your body get a proper chance to recover but you'll be buzzing with energy come race day!

The Plan

Good luck!  

 photo elliesig_zps47aabffe.jpg

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