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Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Flay Tummy Diet: Update

I think a good way to describe my current diet is......coasting.  After a successful start to my flat tummy diet I hold my hands up and confess the road has been rocky.  I have had some yummy healthy food but also been sporadic in my willpower and motivation (plus had a nasty stomach bug which although made me go off my food initially then left me ravenous and craving carbs).

Now we've moved house and got that out the way it's time to re-focus, get back on that band wagon, set new goals and get into a new routine.  I'm going to start by using the rest of this week looking back over past posts and focusing on the preparation and the past success of week 1.

Setting Goals

I have several events coming up that should help with goals and motivation.  My best buddy Jane is getting married in October so there will be lot's of preparation, girlie days and of course the all important hen do and I'll definitely be wanting to look my best!  I'm also planning to run a 5k personal best at the end of Sept so this will keep me focused on training, as well as getting fit for the start of the netball season.  So lots to focus on!

I'm going to re-start my 21 days of the flat tummy club diet, again using the My Fitness Pal app and introducing the RunKeeper app which is fantastic for tracking your workouts, including GPS tracking of your runs etc!  This then shows a map of where you've been, the distance and time and can be linked to My Fitness Pal to calculate calories burned and add them to your daily record.

So Monday morning my goal is to jump on the dreaded (for now!) scales to examine the damage and start my 21 days.  I still have a goal weight of 133lbs and will put in a time frame for this based upon my current weight.  I've also decided to include goal based rewards to really keep me focused.  More on this next week :)

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