So this time next week I’ll be hitting the big 3-0. Weird.
I still feel (and act) 20. Where
has the last 10 years gone?! And more
frighteningly – will the next 10 go by just as fast?!
Anywho, I’m not too bothered about turning 30. In fact, I’m embracing it! My 20s were fun but there’s something strangely
appealing about entering the next decade of your life. It feels like quite an accomplishment (go
me!). I always thought I’d see my 20s as
being a time of change and personal and emotional growth and anticipated my 30s
to be more ‘stable’ and ‘grown up’, but actually I don’t think life is really that
predictable and who wants to live a static and grown up life anyway?? I’m certainly still growing and constantly
learning from my mistakes and achievements.
I laugh and cry, have
breakthroughs and major blonde moments, state my opinions and humbly apologise
for slip-ups. Life is a constantly
changing beast and all you can do is stick by your morals, go with the flow and
get stuck in.
Time to reflect
So what have I been up to in the last 10 years? Looking back I bet you’ll realise you’ve done a lot
more than you think! Here are 10 of my favourite experiences of my 20s.
1. Graduated with a BSc (Hons) in Animal Science at the
University of Wales Aberystwyth
Graduation 2006 |
2. Started my career in pharmaceuticals then ditched it for
administration and finally finance!
The office 'A Team' |
3. Moved into my first flat and discovered the joys of
paying your own bills
4. Discovered that I surprisingly enjoyed running
Trailblazer 10k 2012 |
5. Been a part of engagements and weddings
Jane's wedding 2013 |
Rose's wedding 2012 |
6. Made and continued friendships with the best friends a girl could have and enjoyed many a day of silliness!
My hen do 2013 |
Badminton Horse Trials 2013 |
Carnival fun 2013 |
Birmingham German Christmas Market 2013 |
McFly 2013 |
Catch up with Jen and Ruthy 2009 |
7. Moved back to my home town and grew closer to my family
8. Had lovely holidays and mini-adventures
Mallorca 2011 |
London 2010 |
London Santa Run 2009 |
9. Re-discovered my love of netball – joined Upton Netball
Upton Grads Summer League Winners 2013 |
Bournemouth 7s Netball Tour 2013 |
10. Met my future husband and got married :)
Walk with Mr H 2007 |
Our wedding day 2013 |
Looking forward
So what do I hope my 30s will bring? I suppose I really hope that they’ll bring
more of the good times and lessons that I’ve experienced so far. I’m definitely different in a lot of ways to
the 20 year old Ellie but my principles, loves and hopes are the same. The main thing I’d like to work on now is to
look after myself better – both physically and emotionally. My 30s have the prospect of being a very exciting
decade and I’m going to enjoy every minute of them :)